2012年11月14日 星期三



     Americans were anxious about the possible loss of the treaty rights in Louisiana, and the Jefferson administration realized that the best way to secure those rights was to purchase the city of New Orleans and the outlying areas of Louisiana east of the Mississippi. In 1802, Pierre Samuel du Pont de Nemours, a resident of the U., at the time was not only close to Jefferson, he had powerful political connections in France. It was du Pont who broached the subject of expanding the territory to be sold as a way to mediate the potential conflict between the U.S. and France over North America.

這段的大意是,美國對於有可能失去平克尼條約的存貨權,湯瑪斯傑弗遜總統的行政團隊認為,最好的方式就是買下紐奧良城市及即密西西比河以東的路易斯安那。1802年,傑弗遜總統的顧問德邦德(Pierre Samuel du Pont de Nemours, 法國作家、經濟學者)在當時在法國有一定的政治影響力,從中協商讓美國取得比原先預期還大的領地。

     Jefferson was not entirely convinced of the wisdom of the Louisiana Purchase. First, the Purchase would signify American’s implicit recognition that France had a right to be in Louisiana. Second, Jefferson believed that the Purchase would exceed the scope of presidential power laid out in the constitution, and that such an exercise of presidential power would increase federal executive power at the expense of state’s right.



Convince (v.) 使信服、使說服 =persuade =assure

To make someone feel certain that something is true.
Convince somebody that 讓某人信服
Parents in Taiwan are convinced that children who study in a college of medicine have a promising future so they don’t care about what their children like and force them to study hard.

Signify (v.) 表示的意思

To represent, mean, or be a sign of something
常用的句型:signify that … 這也是很適合用在寫作的單字。
The lecturer signifies that the Jefferson was not entirely convinced of the wisdom of the Louisiana Purchase.

To be important enough to have an effect on something
These figures don’t really signify in the overall results.




